Q8: Why is it hard to treat both genders equally?

 The "Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office" (n.d) states that an equal society is a "society in which both men and women, as equal members, have the opportunity to participate in all kinds of social activities at will, equally enjoy political, economical and cultural benefits, and share responsibilities." 

 However, gender equality is said to be difficult to achieve because of long-held societal conventions, historical gender roles, and cultural stereotypes that create bias and discrimination. Changing attitudes, laws, and institutions are required to transform this situation, which may face criticism from those who benefit from the current power disparities. Overcoming these obstacles will require ongoing efforts to raise awareness, educate, and create changes in society's attitudes and systems.

 According to the graph below by the Pew Research Center (2013), 4 out of 10 people believe society treats men and women equally. A significantly higher proportion (45%) believes that society favors men over women. Only 9% believe that society favors women over men. 

 Treating both genders equally is a complex issue influenced by various factors, such as:

1) Cultural and historical norms :
 Gender norms and practices that are deeply rooted in communities have perpetuated inequalities, making it difficult to promote gender equality due to unwillingness to change.

2) Power structures :

 Gender inequality is maintained by historical power inequalities in which one gender has dominated in terms of influence and resources. Those who benefit from the current system may be opposed to challenging these arrangements.

3) Education and socialization : 

 Attitudes and views about gender roles are greatly influenced throughout early socialization. Over time, biased education and societal conditioning can promote inequality.


Pew Research Center. (2013, December 11). Chapter 2: Equal Treatment for men and women. Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2013/12/11/chapter-2-equal-treatment-for-men-and-women/

What is a gender-equal society?: 内閣府男女共同参画局. What is a Gender-Equal Society? | 内閣府男女共同参画局. (n.d.). https://www.gender.go.jp/english_contents/about_danjo/toward/society/index.html
