Q3: Is gender discrimination a concern for men?

  Is Gender inequality a concern for men too?

 I asked whether men too experience gender prejudices similar to those that affect women as part of my study survey. 15 individuals said that men do experience gender biases in response to this question.

 Men may encounter gender discrimination in the following situations:

1 Men may be subjected to expectations and preconceptions regarding their actions, feelings, and behaviors based on conventional gender standards, such as being stoic, aggressive, or the main provider of the family's income.

2 Parental Rights: Men may experience bias in favor of women in custody battles or child custody disputes, presuming that moms are better carers.

3 Workplace: Men may encounter prejudice on parental leave, flexible work schedules, and work-life balance in traditionally female-dominated businesses.

4 Mental health: Social expectations may prevent males from admitting they are vulnerable or from getting care for mental health problems, which can lead to stigma and discrimination.

5 Men can also experience sexual harassment, though it frequently goes unreported because of how society views men in general.

The fact that gender discrimination affects both men and women must be acknowledged, and tackling these problems calls for a comprehensive strategy that promotes gender equality and respect for everyone, regardless of gender identification.

(Anna Maria Furusawa)

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Male gender bias deters men from some career paths. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2022/12/male-gender-bias-career-paths

Smith, S., Smith, S., & Sylvia SmithExpert Blogger Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. As a writer at Marriage.com. (2023, March 16). Sexual harassment of men: Its types and consequences. Marriage Advice - Expert Marriage Tips & Advice. https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/sexual-harassment-of-men/ 
