Q6: Is it possible to eliminate gender inequality?

 Gender inequality is a hard task that requires collaborative efforts from different sectors. Because it is significantly rooted in societal norms, economic institutions, and political landscapes, it is a complicated and varied task. However, major actions to limit its influence can be taken to make progress. We may try to minimize disparities in gender and create a more fair society for everybody by implementing broad policies at all levels.

 Some steps that can be taken to reduce gender inequality in general are first, education and awareness. Raising gender awareness and supporting gender equality through education can help fight biases as well as prejudices at a young age. Another step can be to have stricter legislation and policies. It is essential to pass and enforce laws that promote gender equality and defend women's rights. This includes anti-discrimination legislation, equal pay for equal effort, and work-life balance efforts. According to Fuhl (2023), Unilever's study reveals women and men struggle to acknowledge gender discrimination and inappropriate behavior in the workplace, with 67% feeling pressured and 55% not confronting each other. 

 Other steps could be to protect women's health, fund women's organizations, empower women smallholders, and invest in care states the UN Women headquarters (2022). They say that governments should consider care work to be a service to the public, increasing availability and providing the necessary support. This involves boosting unpaid caregiver support and investing in care services. Through paid family leave and flexible working options, the business sector should also support unpaid care work. Care is a sustainable economic sector that preserves human abilities and promotes a move from a depletion-based to a regeneration-based one.


Fuhl, J. (2023, February 7). 10 ways to eliminate gender bias in the workplace. Sage Advice United Kingdom. https://www.sage.com/en-gb/blog/eliminate-gender-diversity-workforce/

Five ways to build gender equality and Sustainability. UN Women – Headquarters. (2022, February 28). https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/feature-story/2022/02/five-ways-to-build-gender-equality-and-sustainability

(Nanako McIntosh) 
