Reflection on our presentations

 On June 20th, we presented our NGO to our classmates. "Miracle Workers" was the name of our non-profit organization. To put it simply, our NGO was founded to create a better employment environment in Japan, as there appear to be many gender inequities in the workplace. 

 After our presentation, our classmates provided us with feedback and opinions about our NGO, on which I would want to reflect for this post. 

 One suggestion was to add activities such as a strike or a protest march in order for the NGO to be more effective and the government to be more aware of this problem. I agree with this idea, and I think it was an excellent contribution to our NGO. Another suggestion was to focus more on the wage disparity between men and women in the workplace. This is another wonderful proposal; however, because our NGO was founded on gender inequities in the workplace in general, I believe it was difficult for us to narrow our focus to one part. 

 Overall, I think our presentation was great, but it could have been much better. I believe we might have made the presentation more organized by focusing on three or four topics of gender inequality in the workplace and devoting more time to each to make the presentation more understandable. Furthermore, we should have provided more specific examples of what we were willing to do to help the NGO reach a bigger audience. Then it would have been easier to understand what the NGO's intentions were.  

(Nanako McIntosh) 
